Block dry bath

Block dry bath

Hiển thị dạng:

Mini Dry Bath

12 months

myBlock™ Mini Dry Bath BSH200

BSH5001-E Dry Block

Benchmark - USA
12 months

Benchmark's myBlock series is a "next generation" product line that introduces several major advantages over traditional dry baths. They are the first digital dry baths to include advanced microprocessor controls, timed or continuous operation and a removable hinged lid. In addition, an optional external temperature feedback probe can be positioned directly inside a sample tube, providing real-time control and monitoring of actual sample temperature.

Dry Bath

12 months

Benchmark's myBlock series is a "next generation" product line that introduces several major advantages over traditional dry baths. They are the first digital dry baths to include advanced microprocessor controls, timed or continuous operation and a removable hinged lid. In addition, an optional external temperature feedback probe can be positioned directly inside a sample tube, providing real-time control and monitoring of actual sample temperature.

Digital Dry Bath

12 months

Benchmark's new IsoBlock dry bath is ideal for incubation of samples at two different temperatures, in a single compact unit. The two chambers are separated by an insulated wall and are controlled independently, allowing IsoBlock to serve as two dry baths in one. The hinged (and removable) lid is also designed with a dividing wall. When closed, this dividing wall acts as a barrier, preventing air transfer between chambers.

Digital Dry Bath

12 months

Digital Dry Bath

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