supercritical fluid extraction

Giá bán: Call

Mã sản phẩm: Spe-ed™ SFE - PRIME

Thương hiệu: Applied Separations

Bảo hành: 12 months

Spe-ed SFE-Prime for Education: The Spe-edTM SFE Prime is the newest SFE in our series of instruments for supercritical fluid processes.These systems meet the rigorous needs of day-to-day use in the classroom and are made for hands-on demonstrations. It is safe, simple to operate, fast and affordable, with features found in other, more expensive SFE systems.

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Bình luận

40 Liter CO2 Supercritical Fluid System

Applied Separations
12 tháng12 Months

5L Supercritical CO2 System

Applied Separations
12 tháng12 Months
Xem tất cả 10 Sản phẩm liên quan

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