5 liters Helix™ Supercritical CO2 System

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Thương hiệu: Applied Separations

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Helix™ Supercritical CO2 System Custom 5L System

Helix™ Supercritical CO2 System Custom 5L System 
Helix Base Unit (240VAC, 50/60Hz) 400mL/Min pump Includes touchscreen PC with control software, CO2 pump/control module and extraction module. Extraction vessels not included.   
Spe-ed RCB (240VAC, 50/60Hz) Used to chill CO2 pump heads to ensure liquidity of CO2. 
Helix Operations Kit 
Contains all necessary parts to set up and operate the system. 
Helix Maintenance Kit 
Contains common repair components. 
Auto Flow Control Valve 
Standard Extraction Vessels (Other custom sizes available) 
Rated to 10,000psi and 240°C. Hand-tightened, threaded endcaps. 
5L Helix Vessel (Assembly) with stand 
Optional Vessel Basket (Larger custom vessel baskets available) 
5L Helix Vessel Basket, Stainless Steel (Each)  
Modifications to Standard Helix system for the 5L vessel (Tubing, Fittings, connectors, software, controllers, etc.) 
Additional Option 
Modifier/Liquid Pump 100mL/min (240VAC) 
(Allows adding of co-solvents during process) 
50mL Vessel Assembly Extraction Vessel 
50mL Vessel Liquid Extraction Accessory 


Helix™ Supercritical CO2 System Custom 5L System 
Helix Base Unit (240VAC, 50/60Hz) 400mL/Min pump Includes touchscreen PC with control software, CO2 pump/control module and extraction module. Extraction vessels not included.   
Spe-ed RCB (240VAC, 50/60Hz) Used to chill CO2 pump heads to ensure liquidity of CO2. 
Helix Operations Kit 
Contains all necessary parts to set up and operate the system. 
Helix Maintenance Kit 
Contains common repair components. 
Auto Flow Control Valve 
Standard Extraction Vessels (Other custom sizes available) 
Rated to 10,000psi and 240°C. Hand-tightened, threaded endcaps. 
5L Helix Vessel (Assembly) with stand 
Optional Vessel Basket (Larger custom vessel baskets available) 
5L Helix Vessel Basket, Stainless Steel (Each)  
Modifications to Standard Helix system for the 5L vessel (Tubing, Fittings, connectors, software, controllers, etc.) 
Additional Option 
Modifier/Liquid Pump 100mL/min (240VAC) 
(Allows adding of co-solvents during process) 
50mL Vessel Assembly Extraction Vessel 
50mL Vessel Liquid Extraction Accessory 


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Bình luận

40 Liter CO2 Supercritical Fluid System

Applied Separations
12 tháng12 Months

5L Supercritical CO2 System

Applied Separations
12 tháng12 Months
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